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dimanche 1 août 2010

Selena Lost Her Voice!!!!!

Selena Gomez is a talentated young girl and recently Selena Gomez turned 18.I like Selena Gomez very much but it seems that Selena Gomez loses her voice.Is this true?Too many commitments to our beloved Selena Gomez. After celebrating her birthday with over 250 guests and give hundreds of interviews to promote her new film Ramona and Beezus, Selena Gomez was totally hoarse and had to cancel a concert by Delaware State Fair, which was replaced by the All American group Weekend Star that served free of charge instead of the poor Selly.I am sorry for Selena Gomez.
Selena Gomez, even with very little voice came to Lopez Tonight program, George Lopez talk show where, with the help of a blackboard and a tape with some of her earlier statements, Selena Gomez was able to answer all questions by those present cry of laughter.Selena Gomez is very talentated and she is a serious girl.
During the interview,Selena Gomez also spoke of her friend Justin Bieber, which she defined as “My brother. I like to say his name when I’m on stage because if things do not go quite right, just say ‘Justin Bieber’ the public crazy. “I like to see that Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are good friends.
The interview ended with a basket of items from The Wizard of Oz, Favorite movie Selena Gomez, and there are rumors on the internet that suggest that the young star could be the new Dorothy in a possible remake.

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